A New Cure for prostatitis was told at the 16th international health conference

The 16th International Health Conference held at the Anadolu Medical Center in Istanbul was rich in novelties and innovations. However, most of the attention of doctors was focused on a new cure for prostatitis, which allows to improve the prostate in just 1 week at home without antibiotics and rectal massage.

Why is the problem of a diseased prostate so severe in our country?

Statistically, 63% of Nigerian men over the age of 35-40 have problems with urination and potency, which are the main symptoms of neglected prostatitis.

The rest have prostate problems as well, but have not yet reached characteristic symptoms. According to the same medical statistics, pathological processes in the prostate (to one extent or another) are observed in 98% of Nigerian men over 35-40 years old.

The prostatitis itself is a direct road first to prostate adenoma, and then to impotence and cancer. The problem is further complicated by the fact that treatment for prostatitis is complicated and lengthy. It is necessary to take a large number of antibiotics and undergo a course of rectal massage (doctor through the anus with a finger massaging the patient’s prostate daily for 2 weeks). But even with successful treatment, prostatitis returns in 87% of cases within 1 year.

Prostatitis, which always leads to prostate cancer – just a matter of time

Prostate cancer that has spread beyond the prostate gland and affected nearby tissues.

Turkish scientists have found a unique solution to eliminate prostatitis, which allows you to restore the prostate once and for all in just 1 week without visiting doctors and humiliating massage, completely at home.

The remedy was presented at the conference by Onder Uygur, a well-known Turkish urologist, a doctor of the highest category and professor of urology.

The basis of the remedy is the fruit of the sabal palm, known to Turkish healers for more than 500 years. It is effective in the elimination of diseases of the male and female urogenital system, acting relaxing on the smooth muscles of the prostate, restores the outflow of prostatic juice and improves blood circulation in the glandular tissues.

In ancient times there was already found an effective way to treat prostatitis

In the 1970s, Turkish scientists studied the composition of the sabal palm fruit and concluded that it does help effectively affect the prostate as well as the production of male sex hormones. However, in the form of decoction its effect is insignificant. The fruit contains substances useful for men, but in very small quantities.

This problem was solved with the help of modern technology of cold extraction, which allows you to produce from plants the maximum amount of biologically active substances with minimal heat treatment. The new Turkish remedy, which has been named Xenoprost, contains almost 4000 (!) times the concentration of biologically active substances compared to conventional decoction. That is what explains its high efficiency.

How have Turkish doctors commented on Xenoprost?

Certainly an innovative solution to an almost eternal problem. It is finally possible to get rid of prostatitis at home in just 1 week. And exclusively with natural remedies, without harmful antibiotics or any chemicals. Xenoprost can be taken without a doctor’s prescription and can be used for self-recovery”.


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