Sometime in October 2020 an Instagram influencer Gift popularly known as “Thacutegeminie” on Instagram revealed that she has been in an abusive relationship with singer Lil Frosh. She claimed that he beats her up regularly and after the last one she couldn’t keep quiet about it anymore

The singer Lil Frosh had just bagged a deal with Davido’s DMW but as the reports surfaced the label cut off all ties with him. He has since been an independent artist.

On the 5th of February, Zinoleesky posted a photo of him and his friend LilFrosh on his instastory with the caption “Free Lilfrosh” sources say that he was called for interrogation. According to the news, he pleaded not guilty to the charge of assault but he has been remanded.

The rapper is to be kept in Ikoyi Correctional Prison until March when they are to appear before a court once again.

Gone are the days when women keep quiet about matters like this! We hope that justice is served in this case. 

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